Floor Finishing Equipment and Timber Brushing Machines
Paoloni Snc Italia: the first company to offer a complete range of machinery and solutions for your custom and bespoke wood flooring needs.
We produce much sort after wood finishing systems and help suggest which stains, lacquers, oils or harwaxes to use and how to apply them successfully with our robust machines. We offer ongoing support and tailormade training programs onsite at our customers premesis with the option to expand knowledge or see a demonstration at our production facility in Pesaro.
Minitunnel: the only vertical line for floor finishing, for oils, lacquers, hardwaxes, active stain and water based paint
Testimonial: Mister Anthony from South Africa
Testimonial: Mr. Matt Connors - New Zealand
Testimonial from UK: Mr. Robert Jones

Mr. Christian Giorgio
Dubai (UAE)
We have been enjoying the Minitunnel Machine so much since purchasing it, It is the best machine we have bought and is everything you have described in your videos

Mr. Steve Heald
Just Hardwood Floors
New Zealand
The floor finishing Paoloni machines (Minitunnel and wire brushing unit) are still working well after many years and many thousands of meters of flooring

Joe Jackson (CEO)
My Paoloni Perlina timber profiles impregnating machine: so far very happy with the machine, everything is working well

Nice price: cost of your machine paid after 500 sqm of finished floors
Smart and easy to use
Fast cleaning system
High productivity: up to 100 sqm in one hour!
Minitunnel is the perfect final solution for your floor factory
WITH MORE THAN 700 MINITUNEL UNITS SOLD IN 60+ COUNTRIES OVER 20 YEARS: A statistic were very proud of, the Minitunnel is our best seller here Paoloni. It's simplicity and efficiency is what makes it so easy to use. Moreover this machine can be used in can be pared with our brushing machine and polishing line (as we do at our personal floor factory 'PARQUET SARTORIALE' every day. As pruducers of custom timber flooring we are able to advise and support you in the use of this one of a kind application machine.
Paoloni Laboratory is the place where we test and find ways to apply new finishes as they come to the market. We have a great relationships with most of the coating suppliers from around the world, who in turn help us understand the best way to fully utilise our machine to achieve incredible results. We are more than happy to share the knowledge we have built up over the years with our customers, making sure that their purchase of our machines and ongoing usage is a success.

David Kelbert
David Kelbert owner - Cordova Company - Saint Augustine, FL USA
Thank you for all the help with the machine setup and recommendations. Customer service has be great! The machine is a quality product and has performed to all expectations. Machine opens up a whole new dimension to our designs for our woodworking business with great time savings.

101 Lumber Costa Rica Facebook Page
Adquirir una máquina para mejorar nuestras capacidades productivas siempre es importante, que la máquina sea sencilla e intuitiva eso es mejor, pero tener un proveedor que esté contigo hombro a hombro cuando se presenta alguna falla aún cuando sea en momentos fuera de horario eso es invaluable. Adquirimos para nuestra operación en Costa Rica una Rusticadora de tres cabezales y un tunnel decking de Paoloni, las operamos en forma intensiva, han resultado ser máquinas muy confiables pero sobretodo el nivel de servicio ha sido excepcional. Estoy muy complacido con el tiempo de respuesta y la correcta asesoría brindada cuando han existido fallas. Más que proveedores, los chicos de Paoloni se han convertido en nuestros socios y amigos, para ellos nuestro agradecimiento y gratitud.

Ron Haggard - Northern Stable Supply Co
Paoloni is a fantastic company to deal with. All the staff is a real credit to the business and has always dealt with me exceedingly promptly, personably and professionally. Minitunnel machine is a little gem, a must-have for any flooring manufacturer.
Some of our already-made laboratories
Each package includes the right machines according to the the available space and production needs. Do you want to use oils or lacquers? Single and two-component finishes? Get special effects on wood? Each package allows specific finishes.
Basic Laboratory
from 2000m²/month
to 3500m²/month
Advanced Laboratory
from 3500m²/month
to 7000m²/month
Professional Laboratory
from 4500m²/month
to 8500m²/month
Industry Laboratory
from 7000m²/month
to 10.000m²/month